Cultivate Community • Harvest Hope • Nourish Knowledge


This garden was made possible by the Diamond Foundation. ​The Diamond Foundation secured a long-term lease of this ​land for future development and is allowing the land to be ​used on a temporary basis.


The Vancouver Jewish Community Garden was established in ​2020 through a collaborative effort by Vancouver Talmud Torah, ​Congregation Beth Israel, and Jewish Family Services. This ​initiative was fueled by a shared dedication to fostering ​innovation and promoting community well-being.

We are grateful to the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver ​in partnership with the Jewish Community Foundation and the ​Ronald S. Roadburg Foundation for their significant financial ​seed gifts.


Our hope for this garden is that it enriches our community, providing a beautiful space for us to ​gather, learn, grow, and find inspiration. By spending time in this garden, we aim to strengthen our ​connections with each other and with the natural world around us.

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Cultivate a connection with our vibrant community garden and ​help create a space that reflects our shared values!

Join Garden Coordinator, Maggie Wilson, for weekly garden ​maintenance, with tasks such as planting, harvesting, weeding, ​general upkeep and special projects.

Upcoming Volunteer Dates:

Wednesday July 3rd, 1-3pm

Thursday July 4th, 10am-12pm

Sunday, July 7th, 10am-12pm

Wednesday July 10th, 10am-12pm

Thursday July 11th, 10am-12pm

Wednesday July 17th, 10am-12pm

Thursday July 18th, 10am-12pm

Sunday, July 21st, 10am-12pm

Wednesday July 24th, 10am-12pm

Thursday July 25th, 10am-12pm

Wednesday July 31st, 10am-12pm

Thursday Aug 1st, 10am-12pm


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Click to scroll through the snapshots.

Donate to Help Us Grow

Support the VJCG and make a meaningful impact today.

To ensure the blooming vitality of this space and to support the ongoing maintenance and ​upkeep of the garden, we will need the ongoing support of our entire community.

Seed of Generosity

A One Time Contribution to the Garden

Monthly Growth Guardian

Cultivate Our Garden Every Month

Annual Garden Steward

Nourish Our Garden Year After Year


Volunteer Opportunities and Garden Activities

Maggie Wilson,

Media Inquiries


989 W. 28th Avenue, Vancouver BC

(Adjacent to Congregation Beth Israel)

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The Vancouver Jewish Community Garden was established in 2020 through a collaborative effort by Vancouver Talmud Torah, Congregation Beth Israel, and Jewish Family Services and made possible by the Diamond Foundation. The Diamond Foundation secured a long-term lease of this land for future development and is allowing the land to be used on a temporary basis. We are grateful to the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver in partnership with the Jewish Community Foundation and the Ronald S. Roadburg Foundation for their significant financial seed gifts.